The Workplace Reset Weekly Record; Edition One

The Workplace Reset Weekly Report

Working in excruciating pain is no longer an option. We created the Workplace Reset Initiative to help employees and employers take easy, practical steps to develop equitable and empathetic workplaces. Keep reading to learn more, and let us know your thoughts; we’d love your feedback!

Over 50% of the U.S. Workforce will experience fibroids in their lifetime. Why don’t our workplaces and industries reflect those employee experiences?

We’re collecting experiences about menstrual wellness from our community; share a response with us, and you may be featured in an upcoming edition!

White flowers in a small clear vase are next to a burning white candle. A ruled notebook sits open with the words Self Care written across the top of a page and the first three lines numbered 1 through 3

Schedule Your Wellness

How can you prioritize wellness in your work week and can you encourage coworkers to do the same?

This week, we challenge you to schedule a time for yourself in the middle of each work week, even if it’s just taking deep breaths for one minute between tasks.

Take Action Today

Menstrual products are a necessity, not a luxury. Complimentary menstrual products in your workplace bathroom is an actionable step workplaces in many industries can take towards an equitable environment for all.

Let us know: does your workplace provide complimentary menstrual products?

A tampon, silicone menstrual cup, and pantyliner sit on a peach-colored surface with the words Take Action Today overlaid
Meme from a television show: in an office setting, a woman looks irritably at a man next to her captured mid-sentence. The words "Yes, I want to talk about it" are along the bottom of the image. The word "it" is crossed out replaced with "Periods!" in all caps.

Start The Conversation

It’s time for some tough conversations about periods at work. Which coworker or friend can you forward this email and initiative to?

Myovant Sciences

Thank you to Myovant Sciences for sponsoring The Workplace Reset Initiative.